Thursday, July 21, 2011

Editorial Calendar and more

I am planning to write a lot more on this blog. So I have come up with a plan for the blog. A weekly plan with fixed days to talk about things I like.

Meticulous Mondays: All things money, all my planning for the house, organizing and de-cluttering etc.
Tangy Tuesdays: Food! Food and more food. Recipes, ingredients and just random food.
Fun Fridays: This might or might not be regular. If I have something fun to tell, it'll basically be categorized under this.
Sorted Sundays: What's happening in my life, whats going on in my mind and what's about to come.

I hope I am able to stick to this schedule. I am making use of an editorial calendar for the same. Let's see how organized I can get. FYI I start this routine on monday.


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