About Me

I am 23 year old girl currently settled in India.I am a Sociology Grad and I did my masters in Events and Marketing. I am currently taking a break after continuous education and work in between. I spend my days visiting friends, researching about things online, watching funny you tube videos and lots of facebooking. 

I am a strong headed and practical person although I am more emotional than what you can imagine. I talk a lot and speak very fast. Its a bit of an acquired talent :-). I have a gang of girls. Its like a close knit sorority only we are not undergraduates any more. :) They are the eternal sunshines of my absolutely (s)potty mind. :D I have a pet dog JOEY! First love of my life. I live with my father, mother, brother, sister in law and the dog. AND YES I AM IN INDIA! *wink wink*
I love cooking and I absolutely love eating. Food has always intrigued me which is why cooking and reading on food has become a passion. I love sleeping too. :) 
This blog is a way of writing about my life on a daily basis (hopefully). The reason why I have taken it up is because I would like to have a collection of my entries and to go over them years and years. Some will make me smile, some will make me laugh and some will make be feel gutted :D ...(Yeah wait for it) 

Me :)